3 Things To Know Before Buying Replacement Windows
Replacement windows are a great way to enhance your home’s look at cheaper prices. But before you make any investment, you must do your home-work properly and be sure to make an important decision. Here are some things you must know before purchasing Home Windows in Arlington : #1. The difference between replacement windows and retrofit windows A window that replaces any existing window is called a replacement window. You can do it by using a “retro-fit” window or a “new construction” window. New Construction – If you’re planning to re-stucco soon, installing new construction windows is your best option. Retro-fit – If re-stucco of your house is not your plan in the coming months and your budget is a constraint, it’s better to go for retro-fit windows. #2. What type of windows do you have? Your decision varies on what type of windows you have at your home – wooden or metal. Metal Windows – Typically, metal windows are replaced us...